Well so much for my blog, huh? I did a decent job of updating it when the snow was on the ground, and I was in trip-planning mode. Then the snow melted...and I was in RIDING mode! I spent more time riding than posting. I'm really not ashamed of that, however, as that IS the point of riding a motorcycle, isn't it?
Let me recap my summer, before making individual posts for the significant rides. As of this posting, I put on around 32,000 miles this season. My first trip, my Moonshine ride, included 5600 miles and 25 states. It went perfectly, and was a trip I'll always remember.
My next trip was a sad one. I took a Friday off work to ride to Wisconsin for Curt Gran's funeral. I rode a total of around 2800 miles over 3 days (2 days of actual riding).
Smaller rides this summer were a few RTEs (Ride To Eats), several Iron Butt rides including my first Bun Burner Gold (1500+ miles in 24 hours), and even a Saddlesore 1000 (1000 miles/24 hours) with my wife, which was her first Iron Butt ride.
This brings me to another major update- my wife Amelia now has her very own motorcycle, a 2007 Kawasaki Ninja 500. She managed to put 8000 miles on this year since buying her bike in June. I'm extremely proud of what she has accomplished!
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